RAN Grading Instructions

In the coming weeks, Literably will be introducing a new type of assessment called Rapid Automatized Naming (RAN). The recordings from these RAN assessments will resemble the following, with five lines of text that include a collection of color names, letter names, numbers, or objects:

For the most part, these types of recordings can be graded in the same way that you would normally grade a reading passage. For example:

• If a student skips a word, use "D" to cross it out.

• If the student misreads the word and says something different, use "S" to cross out the word and insert the actual utterance.

• If a student repeats a word or inserts other words, use "A" to add those in the correct locations within the transcript.

There may be a slight pause in the recording after each line, which may help you to figure out where the student is in the passage.

Please only give credit to the student if they say the exact color, number, letter, or object that is in the passage. For example, if the passage asks the student to say the letter name "T," but the student says the letter sound /t/, please mark it as incorrect. Similarly, if the student says "eyeball" instead of "eye," please mark it as incorrect: